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Projects that take place every year

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Rotary the Young Speaker

Elementary and highschool students and study the theory of retorics, standing in front of an audience and constructing an eloquent and convincing speech.

Practice strengthens self-confidence and leadership qualities. 

Local and national competitions are held every year.


 scholarships for students

Every year, the club distributes about 30 scholarships to Holon-resident students studying for a bachelor's degree.

Students commit to volunteer hours of activity for the community. 

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Mediation courses for students

A mediation course is held in elementary and highschool.

The course is run by certified mediators and equips students who will engage in mediation between their peers.

Objective: Lower the threshold  Violence in school, development of listening ability, self-confidence and leadership skills.

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Hello First Grade

In the Jessie Cohen neighborhood in Holon, bags full of everything needed for first-graders for their first day of school are distributed every year.

Being able to get to school properly equipped gives them confidence and easy absorption among their classmates.  

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